Friday, May 25, 2012

Photos from Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival

The busload of knitters from Central PA -- and a few guests from afar -- had a great time at the MDSW earlier this month. I can't believe it was 3 weeks time flies! Here are a few photos from the day...I didn't get too many this year and not nearly what I planned...oh well, there is always next year.

This was at the Noni booth. It was a sweltering day and I don't know how she handled it in a full-length knitted wool coat. It is gorgeous and got a lot of attention.

Her gorgeous dreadlocks were wrapped in roving.

The show was predictably crowded. I don't think there were as many strollers this least for the first time I was not run over or into by one of them!

Lots and lots of gorgeous hand-dyed fibers were for sale. This was at the Creatively Dyed booth.

I saved the best photo for last! I asked the bus trip passengers if they would knit an item for the annual charity knitting project of the Penns Valley Area Knitters. These fiber folks are beyond -- WAY beyond -- belief. 117 items -- hats, scarves, a vest, laprobes, shawls, mittens, neckwarmers, neckwarmers and slippers to help keep the residents warm. Thank you so much for your generosity!! You are way beyond my wildest dreams. What a fabulous group of fiber friends on this bus trip.

1 comment:

Rob Knits said...

Wow, the group really went above and beyond for the community knitting! They should be really proud of what they did. And that coat! Not only hot, but imagine what that thing weighed. But Kim, your readers want to see some of your projects.