The only time I seem to have for knitting is while riding in the car to political/work events. I just finished this soft and warm scarf for my campaign intern. It knit quickly on size 11 needles with 15 stitches on the needle. The yarn is Luxury Mohair by King Cole and is 78% mohair, 13% wool and 9% nylon. I bought it at Knitters Dream yarn shop near Harrisburg. One ball is 110 yards and was $6.99 which I thought was quite reasonable. As you can see it knits in a nice variety of shades of pink with flecks of other colors. Will look nice with Elena's black coat. The perfect length too.
I also returned to my once favorite craft -- Counted Cross Stitch. I am stitching a Christmas stocking for a great-niece who will be born in January. This is a huge stocking so starting a year in advance for when Emma will need it is a good idea. And, it is on larger count fabric which will ease me back into stitching. I have so many projects I have been wanting to do so I am going to have to shift through them and perhaps give away some I know will never get finished or that I am no longer interested in stitching. I will post photos when I have a bit more to look at.
I love Knitters Dream, but haven't been there in soooo long. Your scarf looks beautiful. I do counted cross stitch as well but haven't picked up my wip in a while. Like you, too busy.
scarf colors are just lovely! i am curious, though, not having read a lot of your previous blogposts, if you will tell us more about the political stuff you have going on?
Laura http://siriusknitting.blogspot.com
Laura if he wins on Nov. 7 there will be an entire post about it. I try to keep politics out of this blog but will make an exception after this Senate race is over. Kim
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