Saturday, June 30, 2012


I have been sidetracked...and that doesn't take much effort. My good friend and co-worker Gilllian is coming to work in my office in late August. I have been wanting to knit her something special and this gave me the urge to stash dive. Gillian loves orange. Lots of orange. I think I found the perfect yarn.
This is "River Twist" a light worsted weight from Mountain Colors. I love knitting with this yarn. There are a variety of shades of orange, along with raspberry and some green in this  twist. An interesting but very workable combination. I am making her "The Age of Brass and Steam Kerchief" which is an easy-to-knit free pattern on Ravelry. The project is knitting quickly and I hope to be done in a week or so. Then I can get it blocked and dried before folding it away just waiting for Gillian.

I also am using this as a new knitting bag.

It was a Christmas present from Celeste and I LOVE IT! A "Yarn Drum" by ArtBin. In a lovely lavender. It holds a growing shawl shawl. Perfect.

1 comment:

Rob Knits said...

My sister loves to wear orange too, and my mom loved to decorate with it! Very sunny. Love the new bag.