For about the past six months -- since my personal life started to spiral downward dramatically -- I have had a bad case of "startitis." Translation: I keep starting, but not finishing projects. That must change.
This photo is of four pair of socks I have started.
The orange ones are a gift for a friend. Fortunately, she doesn't know I'm knitting them so I don't feel a huge pressure to finish immediately. However, I do want to finish this month so she has them to wear when colder weather hits. These will be the second pair I complete.
The striped ones are technically a "summer" sock. Since one is completed they are going to be my first pair to finish. In fact, I'm taking them along to knitting group this evening. Theory...if you take only one project then you have to work on it. Right? Right.
The reddish striped ones go quickly because they are sport weight and I am knitting them on size 3 needles. They will wait a bit but are third in line.
Last, but not least, is the sock at the bottom of the photo. I thought there was more of it in the photo but I guess not. Well, actually there isn't much to see. It is from an awesome cashmere/merino wool blend that I can't wait to wear. But, I will wait as it is last in line.
These are not my only UFOs. Oh my no. I have a neck warmer on the needles as a birthday present for a friend. Can't say more as she reads this blog. And then there are the various shawls I have started. I am anticipating a fruitful fall and winter of knitting. At least I hope so.
Stay tuned...
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