Happy New Year to one and all!
I've gotten a lot of knitting done this past week -- one entire fingerless mitt and am casting on the other today. Windy and cold here so will be a good knitting day. Unfortunately, I must run a few errands.
Otherwise the furbabies and I wanted to say Happy New Year. May it bring you health, happiness and lots of knitting time!
In the photos we have:
Golden Retrievers -- Brandeis (almost 13), Stratton (10) and Teddy Bear (5 1/2)
Kitties -- Patches (10) and Lily (almost 10)
A final note to 2008 knitting -- Irene loved her socks! She saw a pair I was wearing that were knitted from self-striping yarn and really liked them. I didn't think she would like stripes. So, next year's will be stripes. Choosing the yarn for her was almost half the battle.
New Year knitting content later in the week -- I promise.
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