I'm not sure how Sheri at
The Loopy Ewe continues to outdo herself with the incredible contents of the sock club boxes. For those who are unfamiliar with sock clubs -- you join for the specified number for a year and then your box magically appears in the mail. I like Sheri's for a number of reasons -- you pay each time you get one and not all upfront which is much easier on the purse strings and she always amazes and thrills me with the content.
Today's box contained what is in the bottom photo: gorgeous sock yarn from Smooshy Dream in Color in colorway Spicy Smooches which is shades if beiges with a little gray to make it even more interesting; a fabulous TOP DOWN (yeah!!!) sock pattern called Hugs and Chocolate Kisses designed b Debbie O'Neill specifically for The Loopy Ewe' a cute little button thingy that says "born to knit"; a pack of peppermint candy (always peppermints in the summer and Hershey kisses in the winter -- in ALL packages sent by Sheri and the Elves); and the most fabulous notepad and pen. Lots of lines pages to make notes about patterns, a heavy duty vinyl cover complete with Loopy on the front and a cute red pen.
No wonder her sock club fills up fast each winter...I don't know how she is going to manage the number of people who will want to rejoin and join for next year. The desire to join was high this year -- can't imagine what next year will be like for her as more and more people discover her wonderful on-line shop.
Are you wondering what types of things have been in other packages? See the cute red zippered case that holds a ton of knitting accessories and necessities...that was in a recent shipment. The first box of each of the past two years has included a larger version of this zippered case. The plastic is top grade and sturdy but flexible. Very nice way to hold projects, keep them together and keep those darn stitches on the needles! There have been other cute gifites too...a tiny crochet hook on a ring holder, specially made row markers, etc. etc. All very clever and fun surprises.
Thanks Sheri and Elves! Will September's box soon be here??? hehehehehe
Ooooh, Smooshy. I have a skein of that I sit and admire. When I finish the two single-sock pairs on the needle, that might be next. Amazing colors.
You are so right. She is the best. A very generous lady. Really isn't it true we all love her.
Sheri has probably THE best taste in sock yarns of any shop I have visited -- online or in person. I found her from someone else's blog (Wendy Knits!) about 6 months after The Loopy Ewe opened. Hard to beleive she will be celebrating her 2nd anniversary in business in just a few short weeks.
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