Thursday, May 01, 2008

Knitting Content and the Red Mug

Lately I haven't had much time for knitting but over the weekend vowed to change that. Knitting is important to me -- obviously -- and I am spending too much time on the computer or the telephone during the evenings when I could be knitting.

I got a cute wicker-like bistro set for the back porch so if it ever warms up I can sit there and knit while keeping company with Brandeis, Stratton and Teddy Bear. Oh, last night Teddy thought he could knit and grabbed the in progress shawl and bounced through the living room with it in his mouth. Fortunately, my husband was home and he cornered him and called to me. all is well. What I think Ted-ward wanted were the wooden circular needles but balls of yarn also are attractive...he thinks they are all toys. Goldens...gotta love 'em.

These photos are of several projects in the works. The striped socks are from yarn I purchased on ebay over a year ago. I really love it and am so pleased the second sock will match the first. I am a stickler on this sort of thing.

The pink/lavender/blue/green multi-colored pastel sock is from Koigu that was dyed for the anniversary yarn at Knitting Sisters yarn shop in Virginia. This is my office knitting and I pull it out about once a week after I eat lunch and do a few rows. This is the first sock but I hope to have a pair by fall.

In my last post you saw the alpacas. My Feather & Fan scarf is knitting from a DK weight alpaca yarn given to me by my friends Monica and Dennis who have an alpaca farm in southeastern PA. This beautiful stuff is from the first shearing of one of my favorite alpacas on their farm. I feel honored to be knitting this yarn. Lucio is a very special alpaca.

Last but not least is a photo of my new coffee mug. How boring..well maybe to readers, but my favorite red mug finally had to be retired. I found this one in a local store yesterday. It is a nice weight and color of red but not really the shape I wanted...I prefer the rounder ones that look like the metal travel coffee mugs. It holds coffee nicely and keeps it warm because the mug is heavy. It will work...for now.

Oh, I found THE perfect red mug that an internet yarn shop site bought to hand out at a retreat but the owner won't ship them. I offered to buy just that and pay the shipping and packing for just it. Nope, she says. Too difficult and it might get broken. I am disappointed.

Will I continue to shop from her? Of course, she has great taste and sells terrific yarns.
PLEASE NOTE: I can and will block all anonymous comments to this blog post. If you don't leave your name, your note isn't posted. I received one nasty gram from another customer of this shop. The individual was aghast at my post. I'm not saying the shop owner isn't a nice person...she is a very nice person. She sells great stuff. She's very creative. I spend lots of money there and will continue to do so. 'Nuf said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the knitting! The socks look great, as usual, and that alpaca shawl will be so luxurious to use this winter. Sorry about the mug frustration but I am very taken with the idea of a red coffee mug in the mornings. Talk to you soon.