Am on vacation in Corning, NY at an LPGA Golf Tournament. I certainly don't spend my hours walking the course like my husband does each day. Instead, I strategically place my fold-up chair at either Number 9 or 18 and use my time to knit socks. Currrently I am knitting a pair of self-striping socks from On-Line's Beach line. I bought the yard at Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival and love the feel of it. Will be glad to get the pair done so I can give them the real test -- wearing them.
Also have been reading a knittng novel I bought at my LYS. First book in a new series is called Cast On, Bet's Off: A List & MaxDevereaux Sit & Knit Mystery. Author is Jack Olesker. Really quite good. I know I will get future books in the series.
Back to that sock! Look for photos soon. Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend.
Dear Kim,
Thanks so very much for your comments about my novel, Cast On, Bet's Off. I'm pleased that you're enjoying the first novel in the Lisa & Max Devereaux Sit & Knit Mysteries series. The second novel, Stitches in Time, will be published in November 2007.
I knew there was a good reason for golf to exist. While you are there try to see the museum at the Corning Glass works. We were just there about a month ago (only place we could think of to stop on the way to Ohio, having been to Niagara Falls already) and we all loved it. It is just amazing the things people can make in glass these days (and have made in the past!).
MFB and I drove through Corning on our way home from Canada on Monday! Hope you're enjoying your vacation and watched some great golf. Can't wait to see pictures of your socks.
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