I am making some baby socks for my new great-niece who was born in November at a whopping 2 pounds 7 ounces. She is now almost 6 pounds and came home from the hospital a few days before Christmas. But, she is still so tiny that she can't keep socks or booties on her feet. I found a cute pattern for some fitted ones so I have started them from leftover sock yarn and also will use a little of some full skeins. Look how little the sock will be (see the photo with the cast on). I do like the yarns I have chosen...can't wait to see what the yellow, white and black Opal knits like for her.
I think if I knit multiple pairs of these it should count at 1 pair of my size socks for my personal monthly sock knitting challenge. Don't you?
The cast on one is the same colors I chose for my almost 3 year old girl, good choice :D Little socks are so gratifying. Tell her good luck for me and to grow grow grow.
Kim were you working on the "cast on" ones in the pictures on Thurday night. I remember seeing the other skeins but not that one. Congratulations again on the little one and I wish her a healthy growth.
I found your blog off the whatever group. Baby socks are cute, and they're such quick knits that they're a joy! FYI, I'm currently knitting myself a pair of socks with that same Regia. It's my favorite colorway for fun socks :-)
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