Thank you to a very good friend! I was going to get one of these bags for myself in this color. A friend for whom I did a favor wanted a special way to say thanks...she didn't need to do it but did. A Lexie Barnes bag is over the top and I am touched. I will treasure it always. Pictured is the Flo Bag which as you can see if perfect for holding sock projects. She knows I am addicted to sock knitting....
I have another Lexie Barnes bag and she knows how much I love it. This is awesome!!! The exterior is a wipeoff vinyl and is a gorgeous Teal color with circles of ecru, purple, and raspberry. The handles are the right length for over the shoulder and are specially made not to fall off my shoulder.
Check out that lining! A gorgeous sturdy pink fabric complete with pockets to hold knitting accessories. The top has two magnets as closures and this bag stands open to use while knitting. No more sock projects in my lap...fabulous!!!!
Today is Halloween. I have the treats ready for the youngsters. It was a beautiful sunny day in Central PA and the temps are in the low 70s. The sun is hiding and the wind is blowing a bit. I hope is does not rain on the childrens' fun. Or mine either...I love Halloween....seeing the youngsters dressed in their adorable and clever costumes.
Takes me back to my childhood when my older sisters and brother would take me Trick-or-Treating. In those days it lasted for at least 3 nights. What a bunch of goodies I got. But it was fun going...in a different costume each night of course!...and being with them. Those memories make me smile!