Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Stratton!

Mr. Perfect. The Love of My Life. Goofy Big Golden. My Angel. Petunia. Pumkin.

Those are all names for one guy in my life...Stratton who will be 8 tomorrow, Aug. 2. Happy, Happy Birthday my special boy! You have been such a joy since I brought you home at age 8 weeks. May we have many, many more years together. I'd take a dozen just like you! I love you Strattie my baby boy.


Monika said...

Substitute your pictures with ones of my Sam and all your words will express my feeling about my dog. He's only 4 years old and I hope I'll have him for at least another 10 years. Happy Birthday Stratton!

gypsyknits said...

My 7 month old Yorktese, Gypsy, says Happy Birthday Stratton!