Welcome to sock-crazy. Why that name? Well, simply, I love knitting socks. Knitting, Golden Retrievers, cats, cooking, down-sizing, and travel will be addressed here. My yarn shop, Main Street Yarn, will be included but this is a personal blog. It is not a shop blog. Check the Main Street Yarn Facebook page for all that is new and wonderful.
Sunday, August 03, 2014
UFOs and More UFOs
Earlier this week I was sorting through project bags I haven't opened in quite a while, in a small cupboard and other hiding places. I found a few things I was looking for (which was the reason for the search) and quite a few I had forgotten. The latter was a treasure trove of UFOs! The photo is just a sampling of the Unfinished Objects that surfaced.
The closest to being finished is the purple shawl with the variegated border. It will be worked on this week and should be finished quickly. I am planning on it to keep me warm in my office this winter. That was its original intention about 2 years ago when I started it! I'm using a lovely worsted weight yarn from Lorna's Laces.
At the right is a variegated yarn from Mountain Colors. It too will be a shawl. There are only a few rows knit but I think the yarn and pattern combination will be a great choice.
The purple and teal is also a shawl. I will finish it as a gift. I have the recipient in mind. At top is a ball of eggplant color yarn and a ball of gold/other colors. That project was frogged because I no longer like the pattern. I love the yarn so it will be a 2-color shawl whose pattern will be chosen at another time. I do have something in mind.
The brighter multi-color alpaca was also frogged. I'm thinking perhaps something in linen stitch. This yarn would make it very interesting. Also frogged was the project immediately to its left. A nice DK weight yarn...a pattern I don't like. Finally, at far left is a pair of socks from a Schaeffer Yarn Company fiber. I have no idea how long ago I started it...those socks are on Signature DPNs that I forgot I owned. They are an interesting pattern so I think I will knit a bit further before deciding if that project will be finished or frogged.
All of these yarns are really nice. In my mind there is no reason to complete projects I don't like.
I am still working on organizing my yarn stash -- which primarily consists of UFOs rather than yarns in their original skeins or balls. It actually felt good to frog those projects. A sense of relief. And an opportunity to turn gorgeous yarns into projects I or someone else will like.
See you next week....
Monday, July 28, 2014
New Shawls from New Yarns
July has flown! I apologize for missing two Monday posts but the days and weeks have just gotten away from me. Whoever said summer is slow never had my schedule...
Main Street Yarn will have a booth at the FarmFest in Centre Hall at the fairgrounds this Friday and Saturday, August 1 and 2. There is lots of fun for the entire family. Admission and parking are free. Stop by and see the fun new things I will have at the show.
This past weekend I decided to cast on 2 shawls ... yep, 2...I have two new yarns in Main Street Yarn and was anxious to use both of them in projects.
The first is a simple side-to-side shawl called "Simple Sideways Triangle Scarf" from Churchmouse Yarns & Teas. It is a free pattern and could be knit in any weight yarn. It is an easy, basically mindless, project. I love to knit at least a few rows before bedtime and to me this is the perfect way to wind down from a busy day.
Since it is knit sideways you will need a small kitchen scale to measure grams so you leave plenty for the second half of the shawl. This pattern comes with two sizes and I decided to knit the larger one so I can use up all my yarn.
I'm using Mrs. Crosby's "Hat Box" yarn which is a lovely sport weight. I currently have a dozen colors in the shop. There arer 317 yards per skein and the pattern calls for a yarn with 330 yards...close enough because of the sideways design. No risk of running out before I'm finished.
Here is the progress so far...I'm not sure the tonal elements will show up, but trust me this is a lovely yarn...
A 25-pound box of Silky Wool yarn in 20 colors has been sitting in my living room for a few weeks. It will be in the shop within the next two weeks once I rearrange and make space for it.Silky Wool is just that -- silk and wool -- in a DK weight. It is sturdy yet drapes beautifully in shawl, sweaters, vests and other garments. To me it has a bit of a rustic feel yet a classy look. I think it is a yarn that will appeal to most knitters and crocheters.
I have only knit two rows in the 3-color "Flying Duchess" shawl. The pattern can be purchased and downloaded on Ravelry. I plan to have it in the shop soon. I will have a photo to share next week. Well, I have one now but this silly blog program will not let me download it. So, next time hopefully there will be more to show to you.
See you next Monday ...
Main Street Yarn will have a booth at the FarmFest in Centre Hall at the fairgrounds this Friday and Saturday, August 1 and 2. There is lots of fun for the entire family. Admission and parking are free. Stop by and see the fun new things I will have at the show.
This past weekend I decided to cast on 2 shawls ... yep, 2...I have two new yarns in Main Street Yarn and was anxious to use both of them in projects.
The first is a simple side-to-side shawl called "Simple Sideways Triangle Scarf" from Churchmouse Yarns & Teas. It is a free pattern and could be knit in any weight yarn. It is an easy, basically mindless, project. I love to knit at least a few rows before bedtime and to me this is the perfect way to wind down from a busy day.
Since it is knit sideways you will need a small kitchen scale to measure grams so you leave plenty for the second half of the shawl. This pattern comes with two sizes and I decided to knit the larger one so I can use up all my yarn.
I'm using Mrs. Crosby's "Hat Box" yarn which is a lovely sport weight. I currently have a dozen colors in the shop. There arer 317 yards per skein and the pattern calls for a yarn with 330 yards...close enough because of the sideways design. No risk of running out before I'm finished.
Here is the progress so far...I'm not sure the tonal elements will show up, but trust me this is a lovely yarn...
A 25-pound box of Silky Wool yarn in 20 colors has been sitting in my living room for a few weeks. It will be in the shop within the next two weeks once I rearrange and make space for it.Silky Wool is just that -- silk and wool -- in a DK weight. It is sturdy yet drapes beautifully in shawl, sweaters, vests and other garments. To me it has a bit of a rustic feel yet a classy look. I think it is a yarn that will appeal to most knitters and crocheters.
I have only knit two rows in the 3-color "Flying Duchess" shawl. The pattern can be purchased and downloaded on Ravelry. I plan to have it in the shop soon. I will have a photo to share next week. Well, I have one now but this silly blog program will not let me download it. So, next time hopefully there will be more to show to you.
See you next Monday ...
Monday, July 07, 2014
Off The Needles and On The Needles
As one project ends another begins. The delight of knitting, choices of yarn, needles sizes, and patterns. Just an hour ago I finally finished "Wild Cherry" which is a delightful pattern designed by Melissa Goodale. It needs to be blocked when I return home. I am very pleased with the result.
I knit mine (which will be used as a model in Main Street Yarn) in Kenzie which is a delightful DK weight yarn. I chose a color I refer to as "paprika" and am very pleased with the results. it took two skeins of Kenzie which makes this a very economical project to knit. I love this yarn and am already contemplating my next project in Kenzie...I do suspect a multi-color next time.
Before this project was off the needles I had already cast on for a worsted weight project on straight needles. A much desired change. However, that project with 4 colors of Berroco Vintage worsted weight yarn just didn't work out. I was trying to adapt a pattern and the color joins were not as smooth as I prefer. So it was frogged. There I was, on the road, with 5 skeins of worsted yarn, size 8 needles in straights and circulars (also used 8's on the shawl) and no project to knit. Oh no! What to do?!
I sped to Ravelry for a simple pattern. I was in luck and came up with "Baktus" which I knit several years ago in a skein of fingering weight. A nice side-to-side shawl that adapts to almost any weight yarn. I'm not sure I would use heavier than worsted.
So, again, more improvising. Stripes to incorporate all of the colors that remind me of Autumn. This too will be a shop model. There are lots of ends to weave in because I'm only carrying the beige along the edge. Each of the other 3 colors -- gold, forest green and pumpkin -- are cut when their 4 rows repeat is completed. I'm looking forward to getting back to this fun project tonight. Oh how I do love garter stitch.
Enjoy your fiber pursuits this week.
See you next Monday....
I knit mine (which will be used as a model in Main Street Yarn) in Kenzie which is a delightful DK weight yarn. I chose a color I refer to as "paprika" and am very pleased with the results. it took two skeins of Kenzie which makes this a very economical project to knit. I love this yarn and am already contemplating my next project in Kenzie...I do suspect a multi-color next time.
Before this project was off the needles I had already cast on for a worsted weight project on straight needles. A much desired change. However, that project with 4 colors of Berroco Vintage worsted weight yarn just didn't work out. I was trying to adapt a pattern and the color joins were not as smooth as I prefer. So it was frogged. There I was, on the road, with 5 skeins of worsted yarn, size 8 needles in straights and circulars (also used 8's on the shawl) and no project to knit. Oh no! What to do?!
I sped to Ravelry for a simple pattern. I was in luck and came up with "Baktus" which I knit several years ago in a skein of fingering weight. A nice side-to-side shawl that adapts to almost any weight yarn. I'm not sure I would use heavier than worsted.
So, again, more improvising. Stripes to incorporate all of the colors that remind me of Autumn. This too will be a shop model. There are lots of ends to weave in because I'm only carrying the beige along the edge. Each of the other 3 colors -- gold, forest green and pumpkin -- are cut when their 4 rows repeat is completed. I'm looking forward to getting back to this fun project tonight. Oh how I do love garter stitch.
Enjoy your fiber pursuits this week.
See you next Monday....
Monday, June 30, 2014
Not Much Knitting
Good morning -- Last week just flew and knitting progress was minimal. The shawl is almost done with 1 1/2 repeats to complete, then bind-off and blocking. I am determined to have it done by mid-week. Seriously.
It is being knit from Kenzie (see post from two weeks ago) and I love it. I am now contemplating socks from Kenzie. The popularity of this yarn is growing steadily. I will be reordering colors already in stock and adding a few to boost the array of 10 colors already in stock.
The hat has not had even one more row added to the needles. The pattern is one where I need quiet and there wasn't much of that in my life last week. I'm also working on a knitting bowl/pot from 100% cotton yarn from Cleo. My plan is to use that as a "Thrifty Thursday" post on Facebook...I'd better get moving on it!
In shop news: a 26-pound box of yarn for fall is due to be delivered today. It is a new yarn for Main Street Yarn and I'm quite excited about adding it. Fingering weight yarn from the Folk Art Collection of AncientArtsFibre is to be delivered late this week or very early next week. This color collection is amazing. Watch for photos here.
I was looking online at blogs from people who are well-known in knitting circles. One of those is Sally Mellville. Here is a well-written posting from last year. As a yarn shop owner I think it hits the mark...I also really like the comments. If you have time, take a few minutes to read it.
Please let met know what you think...
http:// sallymelvilleknits.blogspot.com /2013/05/ saving-world-one-yarn-shop-at-t ime.html
See you next Monday...
It is being knit from Kenzie (see post from two weeks ago) and I love it. I am now contemplating socks from Kenzie. The popularity of this yarn is growing steadily. I will be reordering colors already in stock and adding a few to boost the array of 10 colors already in stock.
The hat has not had even one more row added to the needles. The pattern is one where I need quiet and there wasn't much of that in my life last week. I'm also working on a knitting bowl/pot from 100% cotton yarn from Cleo. My plan is to use that as a "Thrifty Thursday" post on Facebook...I'd better get moving on it!
In shop news: a 26-pound box of yarn for fall is due to be delivered today. It is a new yarn for Main Street Yarn and I'm quite excited about adding it. Fingering weight yarn from the Folk Art Collection of AncientArtsFibre is to be delivered late this week or very early next week. This color collection is amazing. Watch for photos here.
I was looking online at blogs from people who are well-known in knitting circles. One of those is Sally Mellville. Here is a well-written posting from last year. As a yarn shop owner I think it hits the mark...I also really like the comments. If you have time, take a few minutes to read it.
Please let met know what you think...
See you next Monday...
Monday, June 23, 2014
A Hat Box "Hat"
I love the new Mrs. Crosby Hat Box yarns. A lovely sport weight in a fabulous fiber combination. I wanted to knit a shawl. I love shawls! But right now I cannot decide if I want a 1-color or multi-color shawl. All I knew for certain is that I wanted to knit something from the yarn and I wanted to knit it now.
The yarn has a fabulous stitch definition, as you can see in this photo. I also really like the very subtle changes in color tone. It just adds to the fun of knitting.
I am not yet revealing the hat pattern -- hopefully I will have enough knit by next Monday for you to see the texture and how it "works" with the pattern I chose. The hat ribbing is a 1x1 and only needs to be 1 inch wide. It would have been done, except Whitney decided she wanted to "knit" which means I had to pull out all the stitches and begin again. I've been very busy this week so haven't made too much progress. Hopefully that will change.
See you next Monday....
The yarn has a fabulous stitch definition, as you can see in this photo. I also really like the very subtle changes in color tone. It just adds to the fun of knitting.
I am not yet revealing the hat pattern -- hopefully I will have enough knit by next Monday for you to see the texture and how it "works" with the pattern I chose. The hat ribbing is a 1x1 and only needs to be 1 inch wide. It would have been done, except Whitney decided she wanted to "knit" which means I had to pull out all the stitches and begin again. I've been very busy this week so haven't made too much progress. Hopefully that will change.
See you next Monday....
Monday, June 16, 2014
Monday Updates
Good Morning! This is the first of weekly blog posts about what is new in Main Street Yarn, what fiber festivals we will be attending as a shop and what I'm knitting. So tune in on Mondays for the latest chapter.
I would bet there will be some mentions of the Golden Retrievers and the kitten, along with baking, cooking and traveling. Primarily this blog will focus on what is on my needles and/or suggestions for projects that hopefully will interest you.
Kenzie is a lovely DK weight yarn that is a combination of merino/nylon/nylon/angora, alpaca and silk. It is very reasonably priced at $9 a skein for 160 yards. There are 20 gorgeous colors available. It is perfect for sweaters, scarves, cowls, shawls, hats, mitts/fingerless mitts and earwarmers. There are colors to please men and women.
Luckily, I came across a pattern called "Wild Cherry" by Melissa Goodale. I knew I had to knit it and that I wanted to use Kenzie. It is an easy 16 row repeat with various lace patterns added into the mix. I think it is a delightful knit. I'm just about finished with the first skein of yarn -- this is a 2 skein project. The pattern calls for 12 repeats and in a few more rows I will have marked off the 9th repeat. I think I am adding a few more sections to the shawl. I will have extra yarn available. No reason not to make it a bit larger.
This shawl would also be a gorgeous knit in Hempathy. I think that version might be next on my needles. I'm hooked on this pattern.
There is a cute pair of "Welted Fingerless Mitts" by Churchmouse in the shop. They are such a fun knit and only require one skein of Kenzie.
We are getting ready for Autumn, so new yarns are beginning to arrive. There are some very exciting new companies who will find a home at Main Street Yarn this year. Keep watching this blog and Facebook for updates.
Have a great week. See you next Monday....Kim
I would bet there will be some mentions of the Golden Retrievers and the kitten, along with baking, cooking and traveling. Primarily this blog will focus on what is on my needles and/or suggestions for projects that hopefully will interest you.
Kenzie is a lovely DK weight yarn that is a combination of merino/nylon/nylon/angora, alpaca and silk. It is very reasonably priced at $9 a skein for 160 yards. There are 20 gorgeous colors available. It is perfect for sweaters, scarves, cowls, shawls, hats, mitts/fingerless mitts and earwarmers. There are colors to please men and women.
Luckily, I came across a pattern called "Wild Cherry" by Melissa Goodale. I knew I had to knit it and that I wanted to use Kenzie. It is an easy 16 row repeat with various lace patterns added into the mix. I think it is a delightful knit. I'm just about finished with the first skein of yarn -- this is a 2 skein project. The pattern calls for 12 repeats and in a few more rows I will have marked off the 9th repeat. I think I am adding a few more sections to the shawl. I will have extra yarn available. No reason not to make it a bit larger.
This shawl would also be a gorgeous knit in Hempathy. I think that version might be next on my needles. I'm hooked on this pattern.
There is a cute pair of "Welted Fingerless Mitts" by Churchmouse in the shop. They are such a fun knit and only require one skein of Kenzie.
We are getting ready for Autumn, so new yarns are beginning to arrive. There are some very exciting new companies who will find a home at Main Street Yarn this year. Keep watching this blog and Facebook for updates.
Have a great week. See you next Monday....Kim
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
After a Long Absence....I'm Back
I don't know where the months went. My last post was in early October right after Lily died. It was a gorgeous, although sad, Autumn without having her to share the days and evenings. Lily was a special SPCA kitty. I said no more. Never. Say. Never.
One day on Facebook the Clinton County SPCA popped up with a post about a kitten who needed a home. I saw that post on Thursday, Dec. 12. On Friday, Dec. 13 (no superstitions here!) I brought home this little bundle of energy and joy. We named her Whitney. No, she is not at all like Lily. I don't want her to be...she is her own bundle of joy.
One day on Facebook the Clinton County SPCA popped up with a post about a kitten who needed a home. I saw that post on Thursday, Dec. 12. On Friday, Dec. 13 (no superstitions here!) I brought home this little bundle of energy and joy. We named her Whitney. No, she is not at all like Lily. I don't want her to be...she is her own bundle of joy.
If she grows into her ears she will be one very big kitty!
Now for some knitting content....recently finished socks. These are knit from a gorgeous skein of Opal DK. Great to keep the feet warm on these very cold winter days. Opal is probably my very favorite commercial sock yarn. I love sock yarn. Many of you know that but Opal tops my list.
I will return again soon. I promise....
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