Tonight I finally finished these cabled fingerless mitts in some Noro I had in the stash. When I say finally...I truly mean finally. I started them last Autumn, tucked them away to knit Christmas gifts and just found them last week. There wasn't much knitting needed to finish the second mitt.
This isn't a good photo...taken with a camera on my iPhone in bad lighting. I really don't like these mitts. It isn't the mitts but the Noro. I am NOT a fan of Noro yarn...very scratchy and it changes from thick to think on the skein. Yuck!
But they are done and will be kept in the car in case of an emergency. The colors are prettier than the photo shows...two shades of teal, a light rose, a deep rose and grey. This photo makes them look like they are not the same length. They are. It also distorts their cable and other stitches. They are fine. I think I will soak them tomorrow in Eucalan and water and see if that will revive them a bit.
They truly do look better in person.