I made my daily after work trek to the Post Office for the mail. Ah-Ha...a yellow card in the box telling me to pick up a package. I didn't order anything...hummm....
Postmaster gives me a sizeable square box from Maureen in Alaksa. Woo-Hoo....my Loopy Ewe swap partner sent me a present! Exactly what I needed after a very stressful week at work and at home.
Let the Goldens out into the yard before opening the box. Much more pleasant to open without barks to remind me they are downstairs.
I was stunned...a box FULL of wrapped packages. Colorful summer colors of wrapping paper and some beautiful blue with a knitted cable design on it. The packages seemed endless. I began opening them and was like a kid in a candy store. I just couldn't stop! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE everything. All tailored for me! Sounds selfish, I know but today I just needed something for me. And Maureen provided it in style!
Where do I begin...well, let's go in order of how I unwrapped the amazing stash of presents. First is a really cute pair of pink sunglasses to keep the sun out of my eyes while I knit; next came a drink mix for raspberry treat; followed appropriated by a double-walled large glass with its own straw (I love these glasses!) decorated in cute flowers in lavender, raspberry and lime green; somehow Maureen managed to get a package of dark chocolate from Alaska to PA in summer without it melting (very cool!); next I opened a cylindrical package which turned out to be Trader Joe's French Roast coffee beans which I have been wanting forever and have no Trader Joe's within hundreds of miles of me. Now think coffee beans and purple...how are they connected? The next package contained a fabulous Bodum French Press coffee maker in Purple! I've never seen on in Purple. It is awesome and as I write this I AM drinking my first cup of coffee made in it. I haven't opened Trader Joe's yet because I wanted to use some beans I already had ground. I can't wait and I bet Trader Joe's will be next!
There also were two wonderful patterns in the box. One for Fetchings which I adore and did not have a pair of and the other for a unique sculptured neck piece called "Sev[en] Circle." Was also thrilled and decided I definitely had to make both...hummm...maybe a set for fall.
I saved the 3 squishy packages for last...OH MY GOSH! The first contained a skein of Tosh worsted in Iris colorway (again purple!); the second was Sev[en] Circle in gorgeous shades of deep eggplants/purples/a little deep raspberry thrown in. Maureen made me one of these amazing neck pieces. OK, one final package. Whew! FETCHINGS!!!!! to match Sev[en] Circle....unbelievable. Seriously, her kindness and creativity brought me to tears. I think I needed that stress reliever and her package was a fabulous way to achieve it.
I hope Maureen's swap partner is as good to her as she was to me. I don't know how I'm ever going to say thank you to her. Maureen...thank you for all of the work and thought you put into the package you sent to me. You went way above and beyond and I so appreciate your kindness.
Sending hugs of thanks from PA to you in Alaska...Kim