Aren't these colors yummy? Raspeberry, denim blue, sage green, and gold. Wow! Late last summer I purchased a number of skeins of Ty-Dy cotton yarn for a shawlette Boneyard Shawl by a young designer Stephen West. I started it on size 8 needles, got distracted and then Fall arrived and it was time for knitting with lucious woolen yarns.
I have to admit...I DO NOT like cotten yarns for knitting. Interesting because those 3 hats I just knit are all from cotton yarns and so is this shawlette. I am loving this project because the yarn has a wonderful feel on the hands and knits up nicely. Of course, I don't think a knitter can miss when using a design by Stephen. He is so talented.
I have quite a ways to go and of course get distracted by new patterns. I will finish this in due time. Watch for progress.